Blistering Speed
What's modern about waiting for your site to build?
Robust Content Management
Flexibility rules. Hugo is a content strategist's dream.
Hugo's shortcodes are Markdown's hidden superpower.
Built-in Templates
Hugo has common patterns to get your work done quickly.
Multilingual and i18n
Polyglot baked in.
Custom Outputs
HTML not enough?

100s of Themes
O Hugo fornece um sistema de tema robusto e de fácil implementação, porém capaz de produzir websites complexos.

Capable Templating
Hugo's Go-based templating provides just the right amount of logic to build anything from the simple to complex. If you prefer Jade/Pug-like syntax, you can also use Amber, Ace, or any combination of the three.
Instale em segundos, crie em milissegundos.
Hugo works on macOS, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, and others.
Host on any server or your favorite CDN.
Mac OS
See what others are saying about Hugo…
I fear @GoHugoIO v0.22 might be so fast it creates a code vortex that time-warps me back to a time I used Wordpress. #gasp
─ STOQE (@STOQE) June 12, 2017
The more I use, the more I really like it. Super intuitive/powerful static site generator...great job @GoHugoIO
─ Christophe Diericx (@spcrngr_) June 3, 2017
Blog migrated from @WordPress to @GoHugoIO, with a little refresh of my theme, Vim shortcuts and a full featured deploy script #gohugo
─ marcoscan (@marcoscan) May 30, 2017
Who knew static site building could be fun 🤔 Learning #gohugo today
─ Sandra Kuipers (@SKuipersDesign) May 28, 2017

We welcome all contributions
Hugo is open-source and completely free.
Our hundreds of contributors make Hugo great.