Starter Kits
Know of a Hugo-related starter kit that isn’t mentioned here? Please add it to the list.
- Victor Hugo. Victor Hugo is a Hugo boilerplate for creating truly epic websites using Gulp + Webpack as an asset pipeline. Victor Hugo uses post-css and Babel for CSS and JavaScript, respectively, and is actively maintained.
- GOHUGO AMP. GoHugo AMP is a starter theme that aims to make it easy to adopt Google’s AMP Project. The starter kit comes with 40+ shortcodes and partials plus automatic structured data. The project also includes a separate site with extensive documentation.
- Blaupause. Blaupause is a developer-friendly Hugo starter kit based on Gulp tasks. It comes ES6-ready with several helpers for SVG and fonts and basic structure for HTML, SCSS, and JavaScript.
- hugulp. hugulp is a tool to optimize the assets of a Hugo website. The main idea is to recreate the famous Ruby on Rails Asset Pipeline, which minifies, concatenates and fingerprints the assets used in your website.
- Atlas. Atlas is a Hugo boilerplate designed to speed up development with support for Netlify, Netlify CMS, Gulp, Linting, SCSS, ES6 & more. It’s actively maintained and contributions are always welcome.